Trade Show Follow Up Letter Sample

tradeshow passTrade show marketing can fun lucrative if you do it right. And having a sound, proven trade show marketing plan is key to your success in generating leads and closing sales.

One of the tools you’ll need is a trade show follow up letter with prospects you met and gathered contact information from.

I’ll leave all the details on how to properly generate qualified leads for a later date. But for now I want to show you a sample follow up letter for a salon and spa tradeshow. Keep in mind that you can model this letter for any industry. And also keep in mind that you should have a sequenced follow up. Don’t just send one letter. Use a sequence of letters and postcards (and phone and email followup as well) until they buy.

Trade Show Thank You Follow Up Letter Example!

Dear (Name),

Thank you for taking the time to stop by our booth during the (Name of trade show) on (date). I enjoyed meeting you and learning about your salon and your salon products.

I’m sure you already know that marketing your services and products is an important element of your business plan. But you may not fully realize the advantages of utilizing a comprehensive approach.

Direct mail and online marketing are both critical paths to customer outreach. Using only one avenue limits your access to potential customers. It is also important to have quality, reputation management processes in place. At (Name of company), we not only have experience in a full range of marketing tools, but we are also experienced in promoting a positive local presence and mitigating negative reviews.

Let’s look briefly at our key strengths.

Direct mail: One of the primary benefits of direct mail is that it is tangible. 77% of consumers go through their mail daily.Direct mail can be targeted to specific audiences; it is measurable; it can be personalized and comes in a variety of formats. We specialize in postcard mailing. Post cards are economical; they are simple to produce; and most importantly…they are read.

Online marketing: Email marketing is a very powerful marketing tool. Emails are faster than any other means of communication, and you can more easily develop and maintain relationships with your customers. You have the ability to embed strategic links leading your target market to more information, and you can routinely monitor and update your email lists.

Brand management: Every service or product receives negative reviews from time to time. They can impact your company’s image if they are not managed quickly and effectively. We have access to the most current tools available to identify and meet these situations head-on. We are never defensive; we always take the approach that there are positive ways to repair a negative image and at the same time continually promote a positive one.

I would welcome an opportunity to talk with you personally at a time that is convenient to you. Please feel free to give me a call at (phone #) or email me at (email address). I look forward to answering all of your questions and offering you the most effective approaches to your marketing goals.


Your Name

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