Real Estate Prospecting Letters To Seniors!

One of the fastest growing segments of the population is the senior demographic. After World War II ended there was a large increase in babies being born (between 1946 – 1964).  If you were born between these years congratulations, you are a Baby Boomer.

Baby Boomers also have a high home ownership rate. I came to thinking that perhaps this could be a good market to specialize in, especially if the area you live in has a large number of Baby Boomers.

In my opinion there are two ways to generate leads in this market using sales letters and/or postcards (at the beginning).

Here are a few options to consider:

  1. You can send a letter sequence requesting they call you for a free consultation or home analysis as many of the letters on this site show you how to do.
  2. Send a letter sequence requesting an appointment but also give them the option to call a 24 hour voicemail message to have a special report mailed to them. My idea was to create a special report on how to downsize to the ‘right size’ for people in this age group.
  3. Send a postcard lead generation sequence that asks your prospects to either call a 24 hour voicemail or go to a website to download a special report.

You don’t have to use my report idea, you can come up with your own. You cold create a report ways to sell a home without paying a lot of taxes, or sheltering your assets in case they need to go to a nursing home. I went with Downsizing because it’s more positive in my opinion.

Below are three sample letters you can use as ideas or to model for your marketing.

Real Estate Prospecting Letters Targeting Seniors Who May Want To Downsize!

#1: Introduction Letter.

Dear Mr./Ms. (name),

Hello there! My name is (name) and I’m a realtor in (city/area).

I just wanted to touch base with you about your home. A lot of us buy large places with equally large dreams on how we’re going to spend time in them… and then find ourselves spending more time cleaning than enjoying all the home has to offer.

If you’ve found yourself in this situation, chances are you’ve thought about downsizing. A smaller home means less time spent on cleaning and maintenance, and more time for what you’re truly passionate about.

Whether you’d rather spend your retirement with nearby family or exploring the world, there’s nothing better than the freedom to follow your heart. Both by freeing you from the constraints of a large home and by providing extra money from the sale, downsizing can offer this freedom.

If you’re fully satisfied with your current home, read no further! But if you’ve considered downsizing (whether for time, practicality, or financial reasons), I’d love to give you more information to help you make the right decision for you. To that end, I’d like to offer you a completely free report on downsizing.

There’s no pressure; I just want you to have the right information to help you make your decision, whatever it ends up being!

You can get this report at (website) for free today. If you prefer, call (number) and I’d be happy to mail you a copy!


#2: Seniors Real Estate Sales Letter – First Reminder.

Dear Mr./Ms. (name),

Hi again! I sent you a letter recently about your home at (address), but I didn’t hear back from you. As a quick recap of that letter, I offered you a completely free report on downsizing in case that’s something you’re considering.

I’ve had a lot of conversations lately in which people told me they felt tied down by their homes, or even chained to them. And your retirement is supposed to be about freedom and relaxation, not shackles and stress! Since this theme has been coming up so much lately, I just want to make sure that you’re not in a position of finding your current home is more of a burden than a pleasure.

If you’re interested, that free report is still available. Get your copy by going to (website) or by calling (number). I don’t want to pressure you to downsize if that’s the wrong decision for you, but I want to make sure you have all the information you need to confidently make the right decision one way or the other!


#3: Final Reminder Letter.

Dear Mr./Ms. (name),

Hello once more! I’ve sent you a couple letters over the past few weeks about your home at (address) to offer you a completely free report on downsizing in case that’s a possibility you’ve considered.

I completely understand that life gets busy and that it’s easy to forget about these sorts of things, so I just wanted to send a final reminder that this free report is still available. You can get it either at (website) or by calling (number), whichever is more convenient for you!

Again, this free offer absolutely isn’t about pressuring you to downsize. The report just gives you valuable information that you can use in making your decision.

There are a lot of factors that go into deciding whether to downsize, and I know it’s not just about the extra money you’d have or the freedom that comes from a smaller home. If I don’t hear back from you this time, I’ll assume you’re completely satisfied with your current home, and I’ll stop sending you these letters!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I hope to hear from you so I can send you that free information!


What To Send After The Sequence Of Prospecting Letters To Seniors.

If you have been following me or reading the information and letters on this website, then you know I am a huge proponent of print newsletters. It’s the perfect marketing tool in my opinion because:

  1. Gives you a reason to contact your clients and prospects over and over.
  2. They remind people of who you are and what you do.
  3. Establishes you as the expert in your market area.
  4. Its fun!
  5. Creates constant awareness and branding and this results in a consistent flow of referrals and leads over time.

The trick, or perhaps the ‘secret’ is that you cannot send a boring corporate newsletter! It has to be fun to read, engaging, and educational all at the same time.

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3 Responses to Real Estate Prospecting Letters To Seniors!

  1. Anna says:

    Do you have the free report on downsizing?

  2. Gina Grah says:

    Where would I find a mailing list of Baby Boomers in my area?

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