Real Estate Email Marketing Tips and Techniques!

In this guide you’ll learn some real estate email marketing tips and techniques that will help you grow your business.

Email marketing Marketing trends evolve all the time, but email remains one of the most effective marketing tactics on the World Wide Web.

Surveys show that it generates more sales and revenue than even the social media and tech giants like Google, Twitter, and Facebook. What could be more amazing than being able to spend just one dollar to generate up to $40 in sales?

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The problem, however, is that most people do not really know how to market through emails the right way. There is a fine line between driving engagement through email marketing and actually spamming people’s inboxes.

You don’t want the latter – no debate about that. Few things can be more difficult than clearing your name once your emails start hitting your audience’s spam box. As such, you’ll need all the help you can to get your best foot forward. Here are some ideas of what to send out to your hard-earned email list.

The #1 Rule To Real Estate Email Marketing: Know Your Audience!

It helps to have a pretty good understanding of your audience to be able to create a compelling stream of email copies.

If you are going to achieve the desired level of targeting with your emails, then you’ll need to start by segmenting these audiences based on their interests, geographic locations, and other essential demographics.

Targeted emails are likely to be relevant to the subscribers’ interests. Such personalized emails deliver up to 6-times higher transaction rates, yield an average of 14-percent increase in click-through rates and a 10-percent rise in conversions.

Image Source.

So, taking a targeted approach will undoubtedly make a difference. But how do you go about it? The secret is to divide your email list into smaller sub-groups comprised of people who have something in common.

For instance, people at an open house who gave their email addresses to the agent will expect to receive updates on upcoming deals from time to time (you are likely to make such a promise while encouraging them to sign up for your email list during that open house).

You don’t want to mix these up with those who, say, requested a free information pack or report from your website.

Similarly, someone who you met at a network meeting will most likely expect a different kind of information from someone who calls the agent from a paid listing on Zillow. The latter is likely to have a specific request, and that’s what should determine the contents of the stream of emails you’ll send them.

Your email subscription segments may look something like this for more extensive and somewhat unified email lists:

  • Product updates (mostly for opt-ins)
  • Customer list (for new leads)
  • Newsletter (for those who request newsletters)
  • Daily email list (for those who opt into some daily updates; autoresponders will be handy here).

Dividing your email list in this manner allows you to achieve a more targeted approach to your email communication.

There will be people who want to hear only about new listings the moment they (the product listings) hit the web. Others will want both sales and product updates. Allowing them to choose what to receive will improve your relations and increase your chances of nurturing them into buying customers – because you’re dancing to their desired tunes by sending them exactly what they want.

Make Your Real Estate Welcome Email A Hit!

Within 24 hours of opting into your email list, you’ll need to send a welcome email to the subscriber.

This is where they get their first impression after joining your email list through your site’s sign-up form or some other lead magnet. Make them look forward to your next email.

Start by thanking them; expressing your happiness at having them on board. This adds a personal touch to your emails and effectively builds brand loyalty off the bat.

Most realtors also like to introduce themselves at this point, and we think it’s an excellent move. Then, deliver the promise you made on the lead magnet.
Close the email by spelling out what they can expect in their subsequent emails, plus how frequently they should expect the emails in their inbox – this prepares them, helping them build an expectation.

Here’s an example:

Subject: You’re One Step Closer to Buying/Selling Your Property

We are so happy you’re here. Buying or selling a home can be a daunting experience, so we founded ABC Real Estate back in 2014 to give homebuyers and sellers the competitive edge that only many years of real estate experience can provide. You can take a deep breath and relax now. You are in good hands.

What You Can Expect from Our Emails

Before new listings even hit the market, we’ll send their sneak previews to you. These weekly emails will also teach you everything you need to know about our unique real estate market here in LA.

Are you a trendsetter?

You’ll be the first to hear about new restaurants and local news that can affect the market through our curated reviews.

Anyway, welcome aboard.

Nick from ABC Real Estate

Suppose you are addressing a subscriber that purely subscribed for a newsletter, your welcome email would take a slightly different approach. Here’s a general example of what that approach might look like:

While closing the email, don’t forget to lay out the things that the subscriber should expect on the subsequent emails, indicating the email intervals as well.

Notice that your initial email could as well take a follow-up approach.

For instance, the first email to a prospect that you interacted with in an open house could look something like:

So, as you can see, there are numerous benefits and ways to effectively use email marketing as a boon to your real estate business. One thing to keep in mind is, people who have shown interest in your business are potential customers. Do an excellent job on this first email, and you could be on your way to making some fantastic sales.

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