If you have clients that want to buy a home take them on a thorough tour and write down the addresses of every home they liked. Then, get the actual names of the owners of the homes. This is very easy. You can go to a list company or look up the tax records online.
The reason you want the real name is because if you have anything other than the actual owners names on the letter it looks like it was spit out by a computer and not a real person.
The more ‘real’ and personalized the letter is the better your chances are of getting a response.
Sample I Have A Buyer For Your Home Letter.
Homeowners Name
City, State Zip
Dear Name,
My name is (Name) and I am a real estate agent. I am writing to you because I have clients that desire a home in the (name of school district or something else) with at least three bedrooms. I toured the area with them and they identified your home as one they may like to buy.
If you are interested in selling your home within the next three to six months please call me and let me know so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet and view your home.
If you like, I can run a report on what homes have sold for in your area to help you come up a with a price. Or, if you prefer my clients can make you an offer.
Please call me at 555-555-555 anytime or you can e-mail at susan@awesomerealtors.org.
I am looking forward to speaking with.
Your Name
Actual Prospecting Letter Mailed To A Small Hand Picked List Of Home Owners!
City, State, Zip
Dear Name,
My name is [Name] and I am a real estate agent. I am writing to you because I have clients who desire a home in [City], preferably in the [Town] area.
Your home at [Address] is located in the area they want to be most, close to their community of friends. My clients are very serious and would like to buy a home in your area this summer, if possible.
If you are at all interested in selling your home within the next six months, please call me and let me know so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet and view your home.
If you would like, I can run a report on what homes have sold for nearby recently to help you come up a with a price. Or, if you prefer, my clients can make you an offer.
Please call me at 555-555-5555 anytime, or you can e-mail at name@website.com. I look forward to speaking with you.
Cal RE# 00000000
P.S. You can reach me day or night at 555-555-5555 (cell).
Hard Work Pays Off
I know personalizing each letter is hard work but if you do 100 of these every year and make one sale it’s more than worth it. You not only get the sale, you also get the clients and the referrals from those clients.
If the home owners do not respond try sending a second letter. And if they do not respond to the second may want to send a third letter that says something like, “Over the past two months I sent you two letters in regards to my clients who are very interested in buying your home. I understand that at this point you do not want to sell. I totally understand. If you change your mind in the future please let me know because I always get clients interested in buying in your neighborhood. Thank you for your time.”
Include a useful with your contact information on it and keep these people on your mailing list.