Gym Sales Letter Sample!

If you target prospective new clients with a gym sales letter you might get a constant flow of new business.

Advertising online, in the local coupon books, and with groupon is always a good idea. But one thing your competition is not doing is using direct mail.

If you spend time looking for a good list and mailing a personalized letter to the people on this list you just might hit the jackpot.

For example you can get a highly targeted list of men or women who subscribe to a particular health magazine. You can get a list of people who recently bought a health or fitness product from a infomercial on TV. These are just two of many targeted lists of people who are interested in getting fit and healthy.

You can also get a simple list of men or women or both who are a certain age and income bracket and live within any distance from your gym or fitness club.

Be sure to read the additional tips below the letter.

Gym Sales Letter Sample!

Recipients street address
City, State, Zip

Dear (Name),

Spring is almost here! And whether you are determined to finally get in shape this year or want to continue on the progress you made in 2016, (Name of Gym) would like to offer you a fresh perspective to your current fitness regimen.

Conveniently located at (address), our objective is simple. We want to make your fitness goals easy for you to achieve. We know how it is.

Far too often, the day slips by without finding time to take care of what is most important – your health and well-being.

Our spacious gym is clean, well-maintained and has all the equipment you need for your personal exercise routine. We offer 24/7 membership access so that you can exercise any time – according to your schedule.

We are not a large, corporate gym – and instead of facing the chaos of a crowded facility, you now have the opportunity to enjoy a workout experience that is both challenging stress and free.

Our experienced personal trainers will design a fitness plan just for you so that you can take full advantage of circuit training, core training, weight lifting and other routines. We also have scheduled and drop-in classes.

Give us a call at (phone #) so that we can give you an overview of our schedule and membership options. Better yet, use the coupon below to take advantage of a free class of your choice (limited time), or drop by to observe a class or tour our facility. We love to see new faces.

Hope to see you soon!


Business Name
XXX Street
City, State ZIP
Website | Email
Phone | Fax

PS: We are not going to pressure you and try and sell you a membership you don’t want. We don’t work that way and frankly it makes us uncomfortable. So come by or call to ask us anything you wish. Hope to see you there!

Gym Marketing Tips!

Don’t send one letter. Send two or three. If you use an offer in your letter, and you should, make sure there is an expiration date and then follow up with your second and third letter all the way up to the deadline date.

Send a print newsletter and an online newsletter to your clients and prospect clients. It’s fun, and it has the potential to be one of your best marketing tools. Most gyms don’t take the time to do this so step out from the competition and do something unique and effective. You can use it to provide useful information, client success stories, cross promote other businesses, and sell your products and services.

Another mini marketing system you should test is the USPS’s Everyday Door Direct Mail. You can send your own large attention getting postcard using this program or you can break up a giant postcard and sell advertising space to other business (like we did successfully) and reduce or eliminate your own advertising costs. This is an effective strategy because it works and you can get other businesses to pitch in.

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2 Responses to Gym Sales Letter Sample!

  1. vern says:

    Where can I get these lists of people that I can send a sales letter to?

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