Cold Call Real Estate Letters!

My wife is a real estate agent and it’s a highly competitive field. Boy does she have some stories.

There are agents in her office that have been there for over six months and still have not listed or sold one home, condo, or townhouse. But then there are agents like her had a listing and old a home in the first month and almost every month since they started.

The difference between successful and not so successful agents is in how smart you are about networking and lead generation. You have to be consistent as you farm your market and with your network. 

If you have no contacts and no network to start with, or if you need to get more leads even though you are working your tail off as you network and farm your market, another technique you can use is a cold call real estate letter sequence.

This is basically farming your market but with a letter. The key is to sequence a series of letters and keep sending something to the non responders at least once every month (preferably a newsletter…yes they work like crazy if you are consistent).

You don’t want to look like an unprofessional amateur when you meet clients. And when you send marketing material you don’t want to look or sound unprofessional either, right?

Here are two boiler plate, basic cold call real estate letters you can model. They do need small changes like a PS, formatting, and small changes to suit your personality. But I think they will provide you with a foundation to work with.

Cold Call Real Estate Letter For Residential Lead Generation!

Dear (Name),

My name is (Name). I am a licensed real estate agent representing (Name of Agency) in (Location). Some of you may already know me since I live in your neighborhood. However, if I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you, I would love to introduce myself.

I have (#) years of experience in the real estate industry and have an excellent understanding of both the fluctuating real estate trends and the current market. As a dedicated professional, my approach is both analytical and innovative, and I pride myself on providing straightforward information to my clients each step of the way. Every detail of a real estate transaction is important, and because I am able to identify potential pitfalls, my clients are well-equipped to address them before they become an issue. I am their ‘rock’ – and they know, without a doubt, that I am always there for them.

Now that the economy is beginning to show signs of recovery, it is clear that the real estate rebound is not far behind. Homeowners in the area are beginning to wonder whether this may be the time to begin thinking about selling their homes. If you are one of these homeowners, I know that you have many questions about the process and that you will need advice from someone you can trust. Because buying or selling your home is a major decision, I will respect your distinct situation and will shape your real estate strategy based on that uniqueness. My mission is to help you navigate the process in a way that is stress free and uncomplicated.

I would love to meet with you personally so that I can share my thoughts about the market with you. Please feel free to give me a call at (phone #) or email me at (email address) for a free consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!



Cold Call Real Estate Letter For Soliciting Business Owners!


Dear (Name),

My name is (Name). I am a licensed real estate agent representing (Name of Agency) in (Location). Some of you may already know me because my business is located near yours. However, if I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you, I would love to introduce myself.

My (#) years’ experience in the real estate industry has given me an excellent understanding of both the fluctuating real estate trends over time and the current market reality. If you have been weighing the decision whether or not to sell your business, I can help you with that decision.

Selling a business is a more complex transaction than selling a house and, in some cases, one that has more emotional impact. Besides providing the necessary expertise to guide you through the selling process, I can help can help you maintain the emotional distance and objectivity you need to successfully sell your business. Just as importantly, I will respect your distinct situation and will shape your real estate strategy based on respecting that uniqueness.

In my experience, deciding on when to sell your business includes both external and internal factors. It’s based on the economy externally, and it’s based on your business’s state of affairs internally. The important thing to remember is to sell at the right time for the right reasons.

As a dedicated professional, my approach is both analytical and innovative, and I pride myself on providing straightforward information each step of the way. Every detail of a real estate transaction is important, and because I am able to identify potential pitfalls, you will be well-equipped to address them before they become an issue. The bottom line is that I have your back!

I would love to meet with you personally so that I can share my thoughts about the market with you. Please feel free to give me a call at (phone #) or email me at (email address) for a free consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!



The problem with cold call real estate letters for lead generation and farming your market is that it can be costly. Most real estate agents can’t seem to justify spending several hundred dollars for one mailing especially if they get nothing out of it. Some real estate agents who stick with the system and sequence the letters and then follow up with a newsletter every month have achieved exceptional results.

Key points: Be consistent. Finish the sequence. Use a fun and personality driven, but informative newsletter.

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